Black Long Worth Animal Jam
Animal Jam Long Spikes Worth
These Rare Party Hats are worth more than Rare Bow and Arrows (except the Raspberry Rare Bow and Arrows). Here is what each colour are worth: Red - 2 Giant Lion Plushies, 1 Rare Party Hat + another okay-ish BETA, or add a little something to make is worth a Rare Cloud! Orange - Black Rare Bow and Arrows Yellow - Freedom Helmet. Jul 15, 2013 Yellow Sweets is a member wallpaper BETA item. Yellow Sweets is a yellow wallpaper with different types of sweets on it. Yellow Sweets is not much of a wanted item, but they are worth a Short Spike Collar (certain colours), Black Worn Blanket, 2 Pirate Swords (any colour), 1 Mira Statue, another good BETA, or 2 Long Spike Wristbands. So today I'll be talking about Animal Jam and spiked collars. So many of you want a spike collar here, so I'll tell you fair trades for each color, long and short. Let's start with short The claw machine and a short spiked wristband (no black) And add depending on the person For A pink or purple short collar.
May 20, 2013 Step 1, Use light colors. Some good choices are white, light pink, light blue, light yellow, light purple, and beige.Step 2, Use feminine patterns. For example, a nice pattern is the splotches. Make the pattern white, beige, or lavender.Step 3, Add cute eyes. The best ones are the default eyes or the 'girl' eyes (the eyes with long eyelashes). Any color works for this, but dark colors are recommended as. Jul 09, 2013 How to Look Cool on Animal Jam - Steps Buy membership (optional). Pick a good animal that matches or represents your personality. Choose your color design. Obtain cool accessories that you like. Go to as many parties as you can. Try making videos to. I really want a headdress on animal jam they look better if you change the colour of the animal so they will match. The non Rare Headdress! Which apparently came out during the end of Autmn till the early Winter of What it's worth: Rare Claw, or 2 Rare Headdresses, or Rare Arctic Hood and a Beta. Mar 04, 2017 Animal Jam 15 Storebought Non-Member Looks - Duration: 4:30. Julian2aj 138,964 views. Animal jam looks. Animal Jam Fox Hats - Used to have the dark blue rare fox hat and the orange one. (Used to have all of them xD) Right now I have the light blue rare fox hat and the red one. What It's Worth: Non-member Pirate Sword, Rare Bow, good adventure item, or another rare item Monday or a worn.