This is a animal jam story about two siblings named wild and dj. When dj's friend, ember, has her house taken away by the goverment, she moves in with thep two siblings. What would the goverment be doing with embers property? Sep 04, 2018 The fourth novel in a fiction series based on Animal Jam, the popular online game enjoyed by over 65 million users! The adventures continue as the Alphas, brave animal leaders, head out on an exciting and dangerous voyage to find a hidden treasure. The offical online shop for and Animal Jam - Play Wild!
Are you one of those people everyone is staring at? If you want to know, read on, or just skip this and take the quiz already.some people i know are 'rare' jammers(IM TALKING TO YOU JULIAN2!!!). Animal jam quiz what alpha are you.
Animal jam quiz what rare item are you. Mar 14, 2015 Video Games Animal Jam Rare Items Report. What Animal Jam Rare Item are you? I'm Ravenswipe!! My AJ user is MaroonWinter (I used to be Iciclewolf417) to prove I actually play. So first question: are you ready for this quiz? Yessa Log in or sign up. Jul 13, 2015 -(Please answer TRUTHFULLY! Also my AJ user is shayla441! Gift me if you'd like!)This quiz is just for all the jammers whom want to know what they're worth, or how 'rare' they are in the popular game, 'Animal Jam'. This quiz is just for fun so please, enjoy!