Animal Jam Books

There is a journey book to be completed for each area in Animal Jam. In order to complete the journey books, you must find all of the animals and other items in the area. This can be difficult if you don’t know what to look for. Animal jam forgotten desert map. That’s why I’ve created guides for each area in Jamaa.

May 25, 2018 Each animated book in this expanding library explores the life cycle and habitats of a single animal species. Kids will learn about their favorite animals with characters they know from the hit online game Animal Jam. Animal Jam is the award-winning online game world that combines art, science.

Below you’ll find cheats for every journey book for where to find each item. Some animals may be hiding so you have to wait for them to come out. Here is where you can find all of the items for the land and ocean areas.

Animal jam codes

**Update** I just added the full guide for the new Call of the Alphas Journey Book page! Animal jam 2019 gift calendar.

Land Areas

Ocean Areas

Kani Cove

This guide will show you how to complete the Coral Canyons Journey Book. Some animals may take a few seconds to appear.

Cardinal: The cardinal lands on the tree branch to the left of the Coral Canyons bridge.

Coyote: The coyote cane be seen far in the distance to the left of the Coral Canyons bridge.

Dandelion: The dandelion is found to the right of the waterfall on the stairs.

You should search it up from there because difrent colors have diffrent worths.And for the membership, the only real way is to either buy it or earn a week of it from refer a freind. Most people that claim to be able to get free membership are lying. 4 den Betas for a wrist. And NEVER try to hack it beacuse that is both wrong and can get you banned. Trade a BUNCH of rares, like 10 or 12 for a den beta. Animal jam zany item worth.

Gila Monster: The gila monster crawls out of a plant to the right of the Art Studio door.

Honeybee: The honeybee hive is hanging from a tree above the Best Dressed game.

Animal Jam Bookshelf

Peregrine Falcon: The peregrine falcon is flying in the distance to the right of the kitten pet finder.

Rattlesnake: The rattlesnake crawls out of the cactus to the right of the Best Dressed game.

Saguaro Cactus: The saguaro cactus is located at the bottom of the waterfall in Coral Canyons.

Scorpion: You’ll find the scorpion by the purple bush near the hamster pet finder.

Tarantula: The tarantula is crawling near a cactus to the left of the small bridge by the waterfall.

Woodchuck: The woodchuck comes out near the cactus up the hill from the scorpion.

After you find all of these items, you get a Cactus Chair as a prize!

Animal Jam Books

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